Celtic Hypogeum of Cividale del Friuli (UD)

The card was edited by Francesca Rebbelato

Celtic Hypogeum of Cividale del Friuli (UD)

The card was edited by Francesca Rebbelato

Underground environment formed by a central chamber from which three other small chambers depart. It is accessed via a steep double-curved staircase that descends from the small door of a (private) building on the banks of the Natisone river.

Two faces and some niches are carved on the walls. There are seats.

The presence of water that filters through the rock and sometimes submerges the floor of two rooms, the underground environment and the darkness recall the maternal womb. There are two artifacts representing stylized heads, niches, niches, shelves and benches carved from the rock.

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Celtic Hypogeum of Cividale del Friuli (UD)




Of uncertain origin, the functions of the site are also uncertain. According to some scholars it was used in pre-Roman times as a burial chamber, in Roman and Longobard times as a prison. Around the XNUMXth century it may have been used as a place for ritual baths by the Jewish community

Location of discovery

Cividale del Friuli – Province of Udine


Friuli Venezia Giulia

Environmental context


exhibits exhibited

The hypogeum is in Via Monastero Maggiore 2 in Cividale del Friuli (UD) – Tel. 0432-710460 (Informacittà) – 0432 700876 (Tempietto Lombardo). It is possible to visit the Celtic Hypogeum for free by taking the keys at the Informacittà desk or at the Longobard Temple

State of conservation



Main chamber: 6,15 m. for 2,90 m.

Legal condition

Property of the Municipality of Cividale del Friuli

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