- Category: Library
- AA.VV. – Ancestors of Venus. 27.000-4.000 BC
- AA.VV. – Women's Culture Center – In the footsteps of the Great Mother
- AA.VV. – Woman or Goddess. Female representations in Sardinian prehistory and protohistory
- AA.VV. – The myth and cult of the Great Goddess: Transits, Metamorphosis, Permanence. Proceedings of the International Conference of Bologna 24-25 November 2000
- AA.VV. – Marija Gimbutas. Twenty Years of Goddess Studies
- AA.VV. – The Oxford Handbook of Prehistoric Figurines
- Aczel, Dan Amir – The cathedrals of prehistory. The meaning of rock art
- Anzidei, Anna Paola and Carboni, Giovanni – Rome before the myth: settlements and necropolises from the Neolithic to the early Metal Age in the Rome area (VI-III millennium BC)
- Auel, Jean – Ayla daughter of the earth
- Auel, Jean – Hearths of stone
- Auel, Jean – The Chosen of Mut
- Auel, Jean – The land of painted caves
- Auel, Jean – The valley of the horses
- Auel, Jean – The plains of the passage
- Baring, Anne and Cashford, Jules – The Myth of the Goddess – The Evolution of an Image
- Biaggi, Cristina – The dwellings of the Goddess
- Cameron, Dorothy – Symbols of life and death. In the Neolithic age
- Campbell, Joseph - Gimbutas, Marija - Eisler, Riane - Muses, Charles – The names of the goddess. The feminine in divinity
- Cavulli Fabio – Living in the Neolithic - The oldest anthropic structures of the Neolithic in Northern Italy
- Clottes, Jean (ed.) – L'art pléistocène dans le monde. Actes du congrès IFRAO, Tarascon-sur-Ariège, September 2010
- Cocchi Genick, Daniela – Prehistory
- Cohen, Claudine – La femme des origines. Images of the woman in western prehistory
- Condemi, Silvana and Savatier, Francois – My dear Neanderthal. Three hundred thousand years of history of our brothers
- Coppola, Donato - The shelter of Agnano in the Upper Paleolithic. The Ostuni 1 burial and its symbols.
- Cossu, Tatiana and Lugliè, Carlo - Prehistory in Sardinia. The time of human communities from the X to the II millennium BC
- Crescimanno, Barbara (edited by) – The sacred in the feminine. Figures and ritual forms in the Mediterranean area between memory and contemporaneity
- Davis Kimball, Jeannine – Women Warriors. The Shamans of the Silk Roads
- Delporte, Henri – The image of the woman in prehistoric art
- Ehrenberg, Margaret – Woman in prehistory
- Eisler, Riane – The Chalice and the Sword. The civilization of the great goddess from the Neolithic to today
- Eisler, Riane – Pleasure is sacred. The power and sacredness of the body and the earth from prehistory to today
- Fontana, Federica - Nenzioni, Gabriele and Pagani, Carlo – Palaeolithic deposits and industries in the eastern Bologna area. New data and interpretative dynamics
- Foster, Judy and Darlet, Marlene – The Invisible Women of Prehistory. Three million years of peace, six thousand years of war
- Fritz, Carole (ed.) - The art of prehistory
- Giannitrapani, Mario – Neolithic Anthropomorphic Coroplasty of Italy. Symbols and Iconographies of Post-Glacial Quaternary Mobiliar Art
- Gimbutas, Marija – The Balts
- Gimbutas, Marija – The Language of the Goddess
- Gimbutas, Marija-Kurgan. The origins of European culture
- Gimbutas, Marija – The civilization of the Goddess. Volume 1
- Gimbutas, Marija – The civilization of the Goddess. Volume 2
- Gimbutas, Marija – The goddesses and gods of ancient Europe. Myths and images of the cult
- Gimbutas, Marija – The Living Goddesses
- Grifoni Cremonesi, Renata e Tosatti, Anna Maria (edited by) – Rock art of the Metal Age in the Italian peninsula: localization of sites in relation to the territory, symbols and interpretative possibilities
- The dwellings of the Goddess - Cristina Biaggi
- Grifoni Cremonesi, Renata e Tosatti, Anna Maria (edited by) – Rock art in the Italian peninsula and islands: relationships between engraved and painted rocks, symbols, mountain areas and roads
- The myth of the goddess: evolution of an image
- Interview with Judy Foster
- Kuhn, Herbert – Man in the Ice Age
- The vision of the sacred in the European Paleolithic and Neolithic cultures
- Leone, Maria Laura – The phosphenic Grotta dei Cervi. Art, Mythology and Religion of the Painters of Porto Badisco
- The invisible women of Prehistory – Judi Foster
- Leroi Gourhan, André – The religions of prehistory. Paleolithic
- Lilliu, Giovanni – Art and religion of pre-nuragic Sardinia. Little idols, ceramics, ornamental objects
- Marija Gimbutas: video documents
- Marler, Joan - From the Realm of the Ancestors. An Anthology in Honor of Marija Gimbutas
- Melis, Maria Grazia (edited by) – Homage to Enrico Atzeni. Miscellany of palethnology
- Tribute to the archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, 100 years of future prior
- Morace, Sara – Tomorrow's stories
- Morace, Sara – Kulia's journey
- Moravetti, Alberto (edited by) – Sardinia and the Mediterranean in the writings of Giovanni Lilliu
- Moravetti, Alberto - Melis, Paolo - Foddai, Lavinia - Alba, Elisabetta (edited by) – Prehistoric Sardinia. History, materials, monuments
- Mussi, Margherita – Earliest Italy. An Overview of the Italian Paleolithic and Mesolithic
- Mussi, Margherita – The Late Glacial in Italy. Works in progress
- Mussi, Margherita – Peoples and civilizations of ancient Italy. The Paleolithic and the Mesolithic in Italy (Vol. 10)
- Noble, Vicki – The Awakening of the Goddess. The shamanic power of women. The Female Way to Healing
- Noble, Vicki – The Double Goddess
- Noble, Vicki – The Way of the Goddess. Introduction to the way of the Sacred Feminine
- Patou-Mathis, Marylène – Prehistory is a woman. A history of women's invisibilityPatou-Mathis, Marylène -
- Pellegrini, Giuditta - In the footsteps of the great mother. Journey into the womb of history
- Percovich, Luciana – She who gives life. She who gives shape
- Percovich, Luciana – Dark Shining Mothers. The roots of the sacred and of religions
- Peresani, Marco - How we were. Journey to Paleolithic Italy
- Radmilli, Antonio Mario – Abruzzo over the millennia. From the lower Paleolithic to the Italic peoples
- Redmond, Layne – When women played the drums
- Reich, David – Who we are and how we got here. Ancient DNA and the new science of humanity's past
- Prehistory in Ukraine
- Renda, Stefania – Did the Matriarchy give rise to mothers? A journey from the Paleolithic to contemporary societies
- Riboldi, Anna – At the heart of Europe. A reinterpretation of the work of Marija Gimbutas
- Rigal, Gwenn – The sacred time of the caves. From Chauvet to Lascaux, the hypotheses of science Rigal, Gwenn -
- Robb, John – The Early Mediterranean Village: Agency, Material Culture, and Social Change in Neolithic Italy
- Searching for Palaeolithic and Neolithic Ancestors in Italy
- Tinè, Vincenzo – Favella. A Neolithic village in Sibartide
- Symbols of Life and Death in the Neolithic Age – Dorothy Cameron
- Starhawk and Donna Read – Signs Out of Time. A film about the life and work of Marija Gimbutas
- Tanda, Giuseppe – The art of the Domus de Janas in the images of Jngeborg Mangold
- Tattersall, Ian – The world before history. From the beginning to 4000 BC
- Veroli, Luisella – Before Eva. On the paths of the places of worship of the Great Goddess
- Category: Debates and interpretations
- Category: The project
- Category: culture