Category:Manufactured goods
The sacred well of Sant'Anastasia is a structure with isodomic blocks of rough basalt and limestone, about 5 meters deep, located inside a Nuragic village in the town of Sardara. The site was discovered in 1913 by the archaeologist Taramelli and is partially excavated due to its…
See moreA site of interest in the investigation of the Neanderthal-Sapiens transition, the Rio Secco Cave is located in the karst landscape near Clauzetto, in Friuli-Venezia Giulia. It includes a shelter six to seven meters deep placed above a tunnel filled with debris. The cave, one of several Paleolithic sites existing on the Pradis Plateau,…
See moreThe vast necropolises of Molino della Badia and the Madonna del Piano district (Grammichele, Catania), dating back to a period between the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Sicilian Iron Age (1th-XNUMXth century BC), they differ from all other necropolises of the same facies (see Fig. XNUMX): Bernabò Brea defines them…
See moreThe find appears as a cone-shaped clay object, hollow inside, on the end of which there is a prominence characterized by tiny non-passing holes; the surfaces, both internal and external, are smooth and the edges are rounded. The shape clearly resembles a female breast,…
See moreThese are four claviform pendants in ivory which are part of the funerary objects of the burial of the "Prince" of the Arene Candide, a young man of 15 years old, robust and about 170 cm tall, buried after a violent death, probably caused by the aggression of a bear during a hunting trip, with a…
See moreThe Grotta del Romito, near Papasidero (CS), represents one of the most interesting and important cave sites of the Italian Paleolithic, thanks also to the excavations conducted by Paolo Graziosi in the 60s which brought to light some engraved figures of a naturalistic nature (figures of bovids) and abstract (linear signs) as well as…
See moreInscription in the Oscan language on both sides of a cm. bronze tablet. 28×16,5 equipped with a chain attached to two holes for hanging. At the time of discovery, the tablet was still attached to a stone, probably part of the wall of the sanctuary from which it hung. The engravings are…
See moreThe statuette is a small clay head, surrounded by hair made with a series of notches engraved at regular distances; the face is flat, with a slightly oblique profile and turned upwards from which the profile of the nose emerges. The eyes are marked by two horizontal incisions, while…
See moreThe discovery of this extraordinary building is due to Ercole Contu who, finding himself in front of a mound of earth, was initially convinced of finding a nuraghe. With the excavations he instead discovered the remains of a truncated pyramidal construction preceded by a long ascending ramp that had strong similarities with the…
See moreThe idol of Arnesano is part of the funerary equipment of the burial found in a cave tomb located about 50 centimeters deep from the ground level, equipped with an access shaft of about 1 meter in diameter and a small vaulted chamber ( of maximum height 1.10…
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