The vast necropolises of Molino della Badia and the Madonna del Piano district (Grammichele, Catania), dating back to a period between the end of the Bronze Age and the beginning of the Sicilian Iron Age (1th-XNUMXth century BC), they differ from all other necropolises of the same facies (see Fig. XNUMX): Bernabò Brea defines them…
See moreThese are two figurines found inside two tombs close to each other, both attributable to female subjects and associated both by type of deposition and type of attested ritual. Figurine 1 was recovered inside Tomb 6, referable to an adult female subject aged…
See moreThe site is considered one of the most important Italian deposits, in fact it contains one of the oldest testimonies of prehistoric art in Italy and one of the most important at a European level. The importance is linked not only to the presence of rock art but also to the burials (9 individuals in total) and to the numerous…
See moreAbout 42 burials were exhumed inside the Arene Candide cave during the various excavation campaigns, research that has allowed us to deepen the funerary dynamics inside the necropolis. The first phase of the discoveries took place during the excavations of the geologist Arturo Issel, but of these…
See moreDiscovery of the partial skeleton (skull, two femurs, a tibia and a fibula) of a girl of about four-five years, dating back to about 6.500 years ago, buried near a canal, outside the town. Around the skeleton were the remains of many dozens of shells of brackish water molluscs from…
See moreAmong the calcareous rock walls of Pizzo Castellaro, on Monte San Fratello, which is part of the Nebrodi chain, in the territory of Acquedolci, a municipality in the province of Messina along the Tyrrhenian coast, facing the Aeolian Islands, is the Grotta di S. Teodoro, a natural cavity that opens…
See moreDuring the excavations by the University of Siena under the direction of the archaeologist Arturo Palma di Cesnola, 146 human bone remains were found inside the Paglicci cave deposit, in addition to the much better known burials of women (known with the code Pa25) and of the child (known with the code Pa12), these…
See moreThe discovery of this extraordinary building is due to Ercole Contu who, finding himself in front of a mound of earth, was initially convinced of finding a nuraghe. With the excavations he instead discovered the remains of a truncated pyramidal construction preceded by a long ascending ramp that had strong similarities with the…
See moreThe idol of Arnesano is part of the funerary equipment of the burial found in a cave tomb located about 50 centimeters deep from the ground level, equipped with an access shaft of about 1 meter in diameter and a small vaulted chamber ( of maximum height 1.10…
See moreThe first real and small necropolises organized within the villages at the center of the large inhabited area date back to the cultures of Ripoli and Serra d'Alto. Burials are one of the most peculiar aspects of Neolithic history. The funerary ritual of the Early Neolithic is characterized by simple pits “……
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