Gimbutas, Marija – The civilization of the Goddess. Volume 2

Gimbutas, Marija – The civilization of the Goddess. Volume 2

Author: Marija Gimbutas
Publisher: Alternative Press
Year edition: 2013
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 280 p.
EAN: 9788862223461
€ 35,00
According to the manifest intention of Marija Gimbutas, "The civilization of the Goddess" is divided into two parts: in the first, the scholar elaborates the mapping of the populations and cultures of the Neolithic age in Europe, starting from a first south-eastern nucleus which progressively expands to the north and west. In this second volume, Marija Gimbutas unifies populations and cultures in a civilization called "Ancient Europe", in the name of a great creator goddess who guides people towards a peaceful and egalitarian coexistence. A scenario supported by a massive amount of data and by the meticulous and punctual examination of religion, writing, social structure, which ends with the analysis of its decline attributed to the appearance of the warlike and patriarchal Indo-European Kurgans.

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