Gimbutas, Marija – The goddesses and gods of ancient Europe. Myths and images of the cult

Gimbutas, Marija – The goddesses and gods of ancient Europe. Myths and images of the cult

Author: Marija Gimbutas
Publisher: Alternative Press
Year edition: 2016
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 335 p.
EAN: 9788862225519
€ 30,00
Written in 1974 and revised and updated in 1982, this volume determined the author's notoriety. The European civilization that flourished between 6500 and 3500 BC - long before the Greek and Judeo-Christian civilizations - was not a mere reflection of the neighboring cultures of the Near East, but an autonomous culture with its own original character. The mythical imagery of the matrilineal era reveals what were the first conceptions that humanity had of the cosmos, of the relationship between man and nature and between male and female: with the Great Goddess at the center who embodied the creative principle as the source and source of All. Through the study of sculptures, vases and cult objects from southeastern Europe, Gimbutas describes a culture that was structured around the village, before being overwhelmed and dispersed by the patriarchal Indo-Europeans.

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