Gimbutas, Marija – The civilization of the Goddess. Volume 1

Gimbutas, Marija – The civilization of the Goddess. Volume 1

Author: Marija Gimbutas
Publisher: Alternative Press
Year edition: 2011
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 544 p.
EAN: 9788862221689
€ 35,00
"The Civilization of the Goddess" is the most important work of Marija Gimbutas. The scholar reconstructs the world of ancient Neolithic Europe on the basis of an extraordinary repertoire of archaeological data resulting from numerous excavation campaigns in the Balkan and southern Mediterranean basin. The book proposes a revolutionary thesis that changes the traditional view of the history of the European continent. The reality of an ancient peaceful Europe is traced, egalitarian and bearer of a spirituality strongly linked to the earth. A civilization where the Great Mother guides people towards a peaceful coexistence, thus changing the current cultural and scientific paradigms that consider war and male domination as a connotation of civilization progress.

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