Gimbutas, Marija-Kurgan. The origins of European culture

Gimbutas, Marija-Kurgan. The origins of European culture

Author: Marija Gimbutas
Publisher: Medusa Editions
Year edition: 2010
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 174 p.
EAN: 9788876982095
€ 18,50
What is sometimes called the "European home", the homeland with common roots, is actually a land of conflict, contamination, mutual influence, battles and oppression. Here are presented the most representative texts of a research that lasted almost half a century which led Marjia Gimbutas to build an exciting fresco of the civilizations which, meeting and clashing between the XNUMXth and XNUMXrd millennium BC, helped to lay the foundations of our identity. The most significant discovery is that of a contrast between sedentary cultures and nomadic hordes, between female-oriented religions and male dominance, between art and war. The Kurgans were a people of nomadic shepherds living in the Ural regions, whose origins seem to be lost in the mists of time. Along a series of invasions or "waves" they colonized the European continent, imposing their own law and ideologies.

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