Gimbutas, Marija – The Balts

Gimbutas, Marija – The Balts

Author: Marija Gimbutas
Publisher: Medusa Editions
Year edition: 2017
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 190 p.
EAN: 9788876983917
€ 22,00
Written after the formulation of the Kurgan hypothesis, "Balti" is the first monograph that Marija Gimbutas dedicates to a prehistoric culture and its contacts, intertwining and conflicts with the invaders who came from the Uralic steppes. The fact that the author of this monograph came precisely from the lineage of that prehistoric culture, and that she had seen the destructive results of the invasions with her own eyes, cannot be considered a mere coincidence. "The Balts" marks a decisive turning point in the epistemology of Marija Gimbutas, in her way of looking at the signs of the past: we no longer observe the paths of the invaders, but we go back to the form that the invaded peoples had. To remove the patina of dust from Old European traces meant for Marija Gimbutas to defuse an idea of ​​history as a document of the victor.

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