Ehrenberg, Margaret – Woman in prehistory

Ehrenberg, Margaret – Woman in prehistory

Author: Margaret Ehrenberg
Publisher: Mondadori
Year edition: 1992
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 320 p.
EAN: 9788804350149
Starting from the most qualified archaeologists up to the most banal form of mass communications, in our culture we commonly face the world of prehistory by attributing discoveries, inventions, creations as well as behaviors to an elusive "prehistoric man".
Margaret Ehrenberg, an English archaeologist, instead tries to read the roles and status of women and men in classical archaeological finds and in anthropological and ethnographic documentation. The importance of analysis is not limited to discovering theinvention of horticulture and the central role of women in the history of the human economy, but above all it highlights the dialectic of social relations at the dawn of Western civilization while not hiding, in parallel, the relativity of our commonplaces towards other modern cultures.
Margaret Ehrenberg's work, as well as being an original journey through prehistory, from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, is also a pleasant example of female science.

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