Delporte, Henri – The image of the woman in prehistoric art

Delporte, Henri – The image of the woman in prehistoric art

Author: Henri Delporte
Publisher: Isthmus
Year edition: 1982
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 318 p.
EAN: 9788470901232

Henri Delporte, currently Conseravdor-Jefe of the Museo de Antiguedades Nacionales de Saint Germain-en-Laye (Paris), born on March 5, 1920 in Tourcoing (North of France), starting his teaching and academic career in Montbrison/Loire, and integrating , ya en 1960 en el CNRS, pasando en 1964 a ser nombrado Director de Antiguedades Prehistòricas de Auvernia. Paulatinamente will be making a name in European prehistoric archeology, merced a sus cuidadosas y modelicas excavaciones en l'Abri du Facteur (Tursac), Chatelperron (Allier), La Rochette (Dordogne), Blot (Haute Loire), y La Ferrassie ( Dordogne) and, starting from 1981, in Brassempouy (Landas) and that in the large will take them to investigate the relationships that may exist between the Upper Paleolithic of France and Western Europe with Central and Eastern Europe, and investigate the problemas del paso from the Middle Paleolithic (Musterian) to the Eurasian Upper Paleolithic, keeping in mind different anthropological and ethnological problems. Extraordinary polyglot, suggestive lecturer and author of many meritorious works, since I am a member of numerous Instituciones Cientìficas, Delporte is now an indisputable world authority in the culture of the Stone Age, with an exceptional knowledge of the Prehistory of Central Europe and the USSR , and which is expressed in all its contributions to the study of the so-called “fine art” of the Paleolithic Era and which brings them to the redaction of its dense obra “The image of the woman in prehistoric art” que hoy brindamos en una pulcra ediciòn en lengua espanola, que indudablemente interesarà no sòlo arquòlogo o al mismo estudioso de la Historia del Arte, fino tambièn al anthropologo, al sociòlogo y al psicòlogo, al vez que a concrete sector of public cult to constituir a book destined to have a clàsico digno de figurar in the library of all humanista.

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