Eisler, Riane – Pleasure is sacred. The power and sacredness of the body and the earth from prehistory to today

Eisler, Riane – Pleasure is sacred. The power and sacredness of the body and the earth from prehistory to today

Author: Riane Eisler
Publisher: Forum
Year edition: 2012
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 624 p.
EAN: 9788884207432
€ 28,50
In Pleasure is Sacred, Riane Eisler studies the relationship between sexuality and spirituality by contextualizing them in our prehistory and cultural history and linking them to biological evolution, myth, philosophy and anthropology, offering us the tools necessary to find more joyful, healthy and satisfying to experience the pleasure of living, being together, working and loving. While our society, conditioned by the logic of domination, reduces sexuality to a bargaining chip and affirmation of power, the culture of partnership, pervaded by a spirit of mutual sacredness, transforms the meeting of the two genders into a sort of access to the sacred in its highest form. This second Italian edition is enriched by a prologue written for the occasion by the author, to underline the fruitful and consolidated collaboration with the Partnership Studies Group of the University of Udine.

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