Eisler, Riane – The Chalice and the Sword. The civilization of the great goddess from the Neolithic to today

Eisler, Riane – The Chalice and the Sword. The civilization of the great goddess from the Neolithic to today

Author: Riane Eisler
Publisher: Forum
Year edition: 2011
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 384 p.
EAN: 9788884206800
€ 25,00
Riane Eisler offers us a new theory of cultural evolution based on two models: the androcratic, violent and authoritarian one (symbolized by the sword) and the mutual and gylanic one (the chalice), based on the collaboration between the sexes, also considered of equal importance if with different roles. By demonstrating that war between men and between the sexes is not divinely or biologically determined, and that the male/androcratic model is not the only social and cultural option available to us, the author searches the past, including the archaeological one, for the tools to build a better future and a new type of civilization that can resist fundamentalism and barbarism for a fair and peaceful coexistence of ethnic groups and genders. The Chalice and the Blade has been translated into more than twenty-two languages ​​and has sold over 500.000 copies worldwide.

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