Percovich, Luciana – Dark Shining Mothers. The roots of the sacred and of religions

Percovich, Luciana – Dark Shining Mothers. The roots of the sacred and of religions

Author: Luciana Percovich
Publisher: Venice
Necklace: The Owls
Year edition: 2007
Format: Paperback
Pages of the printed version: 315 p.
EAN: 9788887944495
€ 19,00
The book reconstructs an unpublished map of the history of Europe starting from the Paleolithic and the Age of the great stone mothers, reversing the perspective that sees the beginning of human culture in the Greek, Egyptian or Babylonian, warrior and patriarchal civilizations. Investigates the relationship between women, the sacred and the birth of religions by bringing to light the stories that in the various continents tell the origin of the universe through the work of female creative energy. And it returns to the contemporary search for a new recomposition of opposites the splendor of obscured myths, which still work in our unconscious and in archaic cellular memory.

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