Prehistoric Encounters

Prehistoric Encounters

Organized by the editorial staff of Prehistory in Italy live online a two-voice dialogue at the end of which questions and observations will be opened. MEETINGS ARE FREE


Wednesday 12 April 2023 at 18.00/19.30
The Female Statuettes between the Paleolithic and Neolithic

Annaluisa Pedrotti – Federica Fontana
Here to review the meeting

Register for this meeting: with subject: April 12, 2023

Wednesday 3 May 2023 at 18.00/19.30
The Cult of the Waters in Sardinia and Sicily

Arianna Carta – Barbara Crescimanno

Register for this meeting: with subject: May 3, 2023

Wednesday 7 June 2023 at 18.00/19.30
Menhirs and Steles in Val d'Aosta and Puglia

Maria Laura Leone – Gianfranco Zidda

Register for this meeting: with subject: 7 June 2023

THE MEETINGS WILL TAKE PLACE ON THE ZOOM PLATFORM TO PARTICIPATE, individual REGISTRATION IS NECESSARY for each meeting by sending your email to the following address:

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